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Meet The Team

Who We Are

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Madeleine Kamga

CPA, MAcc, Financial professional

Co-Founder & Executive Director

I'm a strong believer in the power of education. While growing up in Ivory Coast (Africa), my mother always put emphasis on education. She taught us that education would be critical for our growth, would help us impact more lives, and would open the door to countless opportunities. 

At the beginning of 2020, when the pandemic started, I was profoundly touched by what was happening in many African countries with school closures, no remote learning opportunities, and the effect of the Anglophone crisis in Cameroon. The massacre of children in a school attack in Kumba, Cameroon in October 2020, definitely broke my heart. I felt compelled to do something. After discussing with my husband, we decided to put in place an organization through which we will assist kids in need. Yume Africa was then created in December 2020 to help underprivileged children in Africa (precisely in Cameroon) get access to better education and become successful leaders.

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Gedeon Kamga

MS Electrical Engineering, Data Scientist

Co-Founder and Secretary

Like my wife, I'm a strong believer in the power of education. What you learn is what remains with you even after you have lost everything.

The COVID-19 pandemic and the Anglophone crisis in my home country Cameroon were good reminders of what really matters in life. It became even more clear that love, which is accessible to all of us, should be the most important thing in our life. Because love is not passive, I felt the need to lend a hand to underprivileged children in Cameroon. Hence, I decided to support my wife's project to set up an organization that will assist kids in need, especially those affected by the Anglophone crisis in Cameroon.

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Marlyse Kamgo

Representative of Yume Africa in Cameroon

I’ve always been passionate for charitable activities and helping others succeed. I think we don't need to have a lot to help someone in need. I have a deep compassion for children in need specifically. For years, I helped with my resources, parents and kids who can't afford to go to school.  When Madeleine and Gedeon asked me if I could join forces with them to help underprivileged kids get a better education, I had only three words: "Here, I am".

Based in Douala, Cameroon, I'm in charge of the execution of the different programs of the organization in the whole country.

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